A Place for Romance: Paranormal | Fantasy | Futuristic | Contemporary | Historical | Suspense | & Asian Dramas


Last Call

Last Call
Olivia Brynn
Published January 3rd 2010 by Liquid Silver Books
ISBN 9781595787965

Eric Layton is used to being awakened by the phone. Firefighters are always on call.

When his phone rings in the middle of the night, he’s halfway to the door before he realizes that it isn’t his chief calling him in for an out-of-control fire. The woman on the other end, however, is a little out of control, and in fact a lot drunk. Before he can explain that he’s not her brother, her cell phone cuts out. His conscience won’t let him leave the woman waiting, but is he prepared for the chemistry that flares once the stranger climbs into his truck?

In Last Call, Joanne suffers a day straight out of hell when her boyfriend/boss both dumps and fires her all in one swift shot. On the advice of her older brother, she drowns her pain in liquor and ends up in bed with a very sexy, very sweet guy named Eric all because of drunk dialing. Nothing happens at first. Until she wakes up, sobering only slightly, and urgently needs to feel like a woman.

What else is a guy to do when a beautiful blonde takes his cock into her mouth?

So yeah, this one rubbed some serious blisters into my moral code. Joanne acted like a slut and Eric is most definitely a whore. I don't give a damn what thoughts processed the morning after.

I suspected Eric would be staying the night from the blurb, but foolishly had hoped the sex would be saved for the following night. After they knew each other. Nope. Not happening here. And yet, the sex is wicked hot. 3 out of 5 stars.


Neena said...

all i can say on this one is...okay. :) Brynn is starting to be noted for her meet and hello books. *grins*

Ragan said...
