A Place for Romance: Paranormal | Fantasy | Futuristic | Contemporary | Historical | Suspense | & Asian Dramas


31 Total Reads in 2013

WOAH! What a year. My number might be low, but this year packed one hell of a punch with some awesome reads.

Next year, my plans are to switch things up a bit. Can you believe I've never read a book before it was made into a movie before? Nope, not even the Harry Potter series. So the banner for the Divergent looked good, so yes, that'll be the one. And it's a YA, so it's a one-bird/two-stones kind of thing.

I'm also going to, wait for it, ...give a go at some reads that fall nowhere near the Romance genre. Gasp, right?

The New Goal: 10 Books from my TBR pile... that have been collecting dust for years.

So those be the plans. And these be the numbers:

24 Paranormal | 4 Contemporary | 2 SciFi | 1 Fantasy

Reads of 2013

Grave New Day
Turn It Up
Perfect Mate
Hecate's Own
Cast in Sorrow
Reveal Me
Angel's Desire
The Shifter
Shield of Fire
Kiss of the Betrayer
Prince of Power
What the Heart Haunts
Red and Her Wolf
Her Mad Hatter
Darkness at Dawn
No Romance Required
Twice Cursed

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