A Place for Romance: Paranormal | Fantasy | Futuristic | Contemporary | Historical | Suspense | & Asian Dramas


Introducing... Reaver V. Kindle

Five years ago, in October 2009, I received my first e-reader as an early birthday gift from my husband. It was Amazon's Kindle 2nd generation, and deemed "Corvis" after the brothers of Jean Johnson's Sons of Destiny series. Corvis served me faithfully even through the Paperwhite era, and I never once found myself tempted to upgrade. From "Divine Beginnings" to "Kiss of Snow", we shared a recorded six hundred ninety-four (at times, amazing,) literary adventures.

However, as 2014 settled in, Corvis began showing his technological age. And although my dear kindle 2 has now stepped down as my e-reader, it is with ecstatic joy that my husband has brought Corvis's brother, the Kindle Voyage, into my life.

I am so very blessed to present :::::  Reaver Voyage Kindle :::::: (after Yenrieth, aka Reaver, of Larissa Ione's Lords of Deliverance series). And yes, he got himself a photo shoot.

And if you haven't yet ordered your very own Reaver, you can do so at Amazon.com

I'm fully aware of my dork status.

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