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Upcoming Release: The Treasure by Sloan McBride

Well it took McBride six years, but she's finally managed to write a sequel to The Fury, of the Time Walker series, that has an expected publication February 9, 2015. Ugly cover and all.

From the Heavens comes a warrior who will melt your heart.

Celeste is a woman with a mission: kill the notorious pirate Blackbeard. She portrays herself as a young man to gain a place among the pirates. Before she can act, Fate steps in to fell her plans. Her ancestry is powerful, and the Underworld King wants her.

Orion is a time walker, a protector of the human race, and warrior against the Underworld minions, the galla. The shadowy creatures seek the young woman who has the blood of the gods running through her veins. Both the galla and Orion sense something mysterious—and wrong—in Celeste’s blood.

Time Walker law dictates no interaction with humans, but Orion can’t stay away. Celeste has the uncanny ability to draw demons and time walkers, alike. To protect her, Orion must keep her hidden from the Underworld and his own people. Should the gods discover her secret, they will destroy her, and he won't let that happen.

BTW, The Fury was awesome!

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