A Place for Romance: Paranormal | Fantasy | Futuristic | Contemporary | Historical | Suspense | & Asian Dramas


Enemy Lover

A heroine into WoW, cosplay, and her own My'Place' page adorned with fairies and top friends being werewolves. She's got a blackberry and salivates over news of the newest e-book reader. When she spots an Xbox and Playstation with a copy of Assassin's Creed, she screams 'SWEET!'

Assassins's Creed was such an awesome game. Though part two was even better!

As the story progresses her t-shirts went from 'Textually Active' to Nirvana to a black vintage Star Wars tee. She even likes Nickelback. Which I take hell for by everyone around me.

This one was so much better that the first book, The Empath. It gets going rather quickly. As it should, since it actually began in book one when Jamie poisoned Damian after he killed her brother, took her virginity and then disappeared.

One misunderstanding after another has Damian doing somersaults trying get his dracaira to trust him. They even go on a date where they scare the hell out of some people on a vampire tour. And they go dancing. Where Damian proves he's completely slacking on technology. He can text! And he knows the lingo!! More than I actually do. LoL

I actually didn't think I was all that involved with this story. Until the family dinner. When Jamie broke down and finally relived her childhood, I teared up. Her bastard uncle decapitated her cat in front of her, then for the first time allowed her to eat at the family table with the rest of them. Where they joyfully fed her her own damned pet. After she never wanted family or meat ever again.

And Damian - strong alpha male Damian - cried at hearing the tell of it.

So... Jamie plays football with the guys, gets a tattoo, and gets turned into stone.

I cried hot tears near the end.

Final note... I love the authoritative stands Damian takes over Jamie, again and again. And ain't the cover hawt!!

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