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Sanctuary Lost

What's great about these books is that each is a continuation of the last. More characters are added but none are ever forgotten or pushed too far in the background.

What's not so great about them is that although the woman are considered strong, at least by the men around them, you're never really convinced of it. They spend the entire time crying, shaking, hiding, and so on. The hell that rains down on them truly screws them up.

In Sanctuary Lost, Brynn is dealing with the torture she endured at the hands of her sister's former alpha. Saved by Joe, with the help of Keith and Abby, she's now a human in a town of wolves. And, feeling helpless and vulnerable, she decides she wants to petition Gavin to become a werewolf herself.

This one took a bit longer than the last to get me hooked. It wasn't until Brynn was changed and we followed along with her adjustment to her wolf that the story actually got interesting enough that I didn't want to put it down. But good enough that I'm still craving the next in the series.

"He'd help her. He'd teach her. And if he couldn't show her how to stand up for herself - at least he'd stand up for her."

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